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Fondamenti di controlli automatici bolzern pdf 35

Fondamenti di controlli automatici (Fundamentals of Automatic Control) is a textbook written by Paolo Bolzern, Riccardo Scattolini, and Nicola Schiavoni, published by McGraw-Hill in 2004. It is a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to the theory and practice of automatic control systems, suitable for undergraduate students in engineering. The book covers the basic concepts of system theory, classical and modern control techniques, state-space methods, stability analysis, frequency-domain design, optimal control, robust control, adaptive control, and nonlinear systems. It also includes numerous examples, exercises, and MATLAB applications.

The book is divided into six parts: Part I introduces the mathematical tools for system analysis, such as linear algebra, differential equations, Laplace transform, and linearization. Part II presents the classical methods for feedback control design, such as root locus, Bode plot, Nyquist criterion, PID controllers, and lead-lag compensators. Part III deals with the state-space representation of systems, the solution of state equations, the controllability and observability of systems, the pole placement and observer design methods, and the linear quadratic regulator. Part IV focuses on the frequency-domain methods for multivariable systems, such as MIMO transfer functions, relative gain array, singular value decomposition, loop shaping, H-infinity norm, and mixed sensitivity problem. Part V explores the optimal control theory, such as dynamic programming, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, Pontryagin's maximum principle, linear quadratic Gaussian problem, and Kalman filter. Part VI discusses the advanced topics in nonlinear and adaptive control, such as Lyapunov stability theory, feedback linearization, sliding mode control, backstepping control, model reference adaptive control, and self-tuning regulators.


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The PDF version of the book can be downloaded for free from [Internet Archive], [Google Books], or []. The PDF file has 576 pages and a size of 35 MB. The book is written in Italian and has no English translation available. The book is widely used as a reference for courses on automatic control in Italian universities and has received positive reviews from students and instructors.


  • Bolzern P., Scattolini R., Schiavoni N. (1998). Fondamenti di controlli automatici. Milano: McGraw-Hill libri Italia.

  • Bolzern P., Scattolini R., Schiavoni N. (2004). Fondamenti di controlli automatici. Google Books.

  • Bolzern P., Scattolini R., Schiavoni N. (n.d.). Fondamenti di controlli automatici.


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